This is not your average online
community, and it’s wayyy
better than any
Facebook group.


 What if there’s a more potent and powerful way to heal? What if healing can actually be fun and enjoyable?

Healing doesn’t have to be so heavy and hard all the time. 

Welcome to Domiana's Healing Community

a monthly membership

This is a sacred space for your healing.

This is a sacred space for your transformation.

This is a sacred space for you to laugh and have fun! 

This is a sacred space where you finally release past trauma keeping you stuck. 

This is a sacred space where you’ll feel comfortable being your authentic self. 

This is a sacred space for you to develop emotional intelligence and resilience—identify, control, move through + release emotions.


This is a space where ALL parts of you are welcome...

The messy parts, the "ugly" parts, the parts you're ashamed or embarrassed by. 

This is a sacred space for you to do things differently--break generational cycles and old patterns. 

This is a sacred space for you to raise your consciousness and awareness. 

This is a space where you will become your biggest, boldest, brightest, favorite expression of yourself.

This is a sacred space where you will tap into your intuition, cultivate confidence, and harness your power.


You were made for this. That is UNDENIABLE.


A word from Domiana…

Have questions about if joining Domiana’s Healing Community is for you? Wanna put your mind at ease and meet Domiana before signing up?


Fast track your healing in a potent, powerful, fun way.

 ➝ spiritual growth

➝ unbelievable confidence in yourself

➝ a newfound appreciation for your life and loved ones

➝ mindset shifts, elevated perspectives

➝ manifestation hacks

➝ real sisterhood and community

...are all inevitable when you join Domiana’s Healing Community monthly membership

Who is this for?

 This is for busy, overwhelmed women who want to heal into their most authentic self without healing consuming their lives.

Whether you are just starting your healing journey or deep into the spiritual awakening, there's a place for you here. I will meet you where you are and you will have all the resources and more to navigate your life and step into your power as the co-creator of your life.

 You’re already at maximum capacity. 

I get it. You don’t really have space for more, yet you wanna do more. That’s exactly why you need to be a part of this community. I designed this healing community for the overwhelmed busy woman. It helps you create more space for flow and ease.

You don’t have time.

There’s never enough time in the day to get it all done so everything piles up and carries over into tomorrow, and then the next day, and the day after, and so on.

You’re overwhelmed with life. 

Whether it’s your career, kids, or all the things that need to get done, you’re constantly scrambling, can hardly stay afloat, or on autopilot going through the motions.

You’re neglecting your needs.

You are tending to everyone else’s needs, exerting your energy and time on other people and things while putting yourself on the backburner.

Don’t know where to start so you don’t start.

You have so much to get done, so much to work through, and a lot of trauma to unpack. It’s hard to start somewhere when there are too many options, so you don’t take action.

 But there’s a better way to heal, and it can actually be fun and enjoyable.

 Healing alongside Domiana will allow you to be more intentional with your time and free up space to do more. She has no desire to add to your overwhelm, so she’s not going to. Instead, with these healing tools she teaches you and the systems she’s developed, you can go from overwhelmed to overjoyed. From stuck and stagnant to flowing freely.

 In Domiana’s Healing Community, a monthly membership...

You will receive:

➝ 1 Group Coaching + Healing Session per month (the third Wednesday of each month 1 pm-3 pm MST Arizona) via Zoom

➝ With Me Sessions, weekly live events for members (breathwork, EFT tapping, meditation, healing circles, and workshops–all scientifically-proven healing modalities)

➝ 1 recorded class/module per month

➝ Access to Domiana (you’ll have direct contact with her)

➝ Voxer group chat/voice support

➝ Opportunity for 1:1 upgrades at a special member rate

➝ Both of Domiana's bestselling books:

    ▸ Help! My Husband Is Hardly Home ebook

    ▸ Help! I Need a Break From Motherhood ebook

➝ A vault filled with on-demand courses, classes, workshops, and programs

➝ Optional Soul Assignments

➝ Additional resources and bonus materials

➝ Exclusive access to courses, programs, content, events, challenges, and offerings


You can also expect to receive so much love, support, and encouragement from a community that cares about you. You’ll also see so much growth in yourself and progress in your life.


**If you choose to join us, please know that this is an energetic exchange. Bless the transaction. Say thank you. Send your payment through with love, gratitude, and excitement for your transformation.

 You can heal even if you…

Don’t have time.
You can invest your time to free up time and create space to do more. You most definitely have at least 2 hours a month to spare on your inward healing journey.

Don’t want to invest in pricey healing work.
Domiana created this community with the intention of it being accessible to you without compromising quality. The exchange is enough of an investment to make you wanna show up consistently.

 This was created just for you.

 If you:

➝ wanna heal

➝ crave community

➝ feel called to break the generational cycles

➝ wanna be surrounded by people who get it

➝ want more for yourself but not quite sure how to create it

➝ are tired of being stuck in the same place

➝ are ready to take action and create massive transformation


If you:

➝ are on an inward journey of self-discovery and exploration

➝ wanna deepen your spirituality (connection to yourself/spirit)

➝ wanna fall in love with yourself--all parts of yourself

➝ desire to create massive transformation

➝ wanna be able to hear your intuition, trust it, and allow it to guide you

➝ wanna/are having a spiritual awakening or raising your consciousness

➝ desire to be the co-creator of your life

➝ wanna manifest TF outta your life


 **this is not only for moms**

 This is for:

➝ the woman who desires to tap into her intuition and harness her power

➝ the woman who wants to embody and radiate love, joy, resilience, and confidence

➝ the woman who is ready to take action in her life now


If you:

➝ feel things deeply, are an empath or highly sensitive person

➝ are an overthinker

➝ get overwhelmed

➝ feel isolated, alone, or misunderstood

➝ are a people pleaser or have codependent tendencies

➝ doubt your decisions and second-guess yourself

➝ swear there are never enough hours in the day

➝ allow your emotions to get the best of you sometimes

➝ carry a heavy mental load

➝ appear to have it all together but sometimes are suffocating on the inside

 ➝ feel guilty for focusing on your inward journey because you’re neglecting other parts of your life

➝ never let people know when you need help

➝ are stuck in your healing or don't even know where to start

➝ have a hard time releasing control or allowing help

➝ don't wanna burden anyone with your problems

➝ are having a spiritual awakening but feel crazy when describing/sharing your experiences


 In Domiana’s Healing Community, a monthly membership...

You will receive:

➝ 1 Group Coaching + Healing Session per month (the third Wednesday of each month 1 pm-3 pm MST Arizona) via Zoom

➝ With Me Sessions, weekly live events for members (breathwork, EFT tapping, meditation, healing circles, and workshops–all scientifically-proven healing modalities)

➝ 1 recorded class/module per month

➝ Access to Domiana (you’ll have direct contact with her)

➝ Voxer group chat/voice support

➝ Opportunity for 1:1 upgrades at a special member rate

➝ Both of Domiana's bestselling books:

    ▸ Help! My Husband Is Hardly Home ebook

    ▸ Help! I Need a Break From Motherhood ebook

➝ A vault filled with on-demand courses, classes, workshops, and programs

➝ Optional Soul Assignments

➝ Additional resources and bonus materials

➝ Exclusive access to courses, programs, content, events, challenges, and offerings


You can also expect to receive so much love, support, and encouragement from a community that cares about you. You’ll also see so much growth in yourself and progress in your life.


**If you choose to join us, please know that this is an energetic exchange. Bless the transaction. Say thank you. Send your payment through with love, gratitude, and excitement for your transformation.

What if I don’t take action?

You’ll likely stay stuck, continue repeating the same patterns over and over again, and pass your trauma down.

 You ALWAYS have the power to choose. 

So what are my choices?

#1 Do nothing and stay stuck

#2 Spend time trying to figure it out on your own

#3 allow someone to help guide you forward, shine light on your blindspots, fast-track your healing, tap into your intuition, create massive transformation, and empower you to manifest the life you envision...all alongside a community of women uplifting you

 Plus, Domiana is including the following bonuses just for the first 10 women who enroll in her Healing Community:


Bonus #1

Productivity vs. Intentionality Module ($197 value)

Learn the difference between being productive and being intentional and how to create a more intentional, mindful way of living.


Bonus #2

Connecting in Isolation Masterclass ($197 value)

Motherhood is lonely and isolating. Learn how to stay connected 

in tough circumstances (no it’s not more family Zooms and FaceTime calls)


Bonus #3

Chunk Scheduling Cheat Sheet ($49 value)

Time management from a new lens. Learn how to find your flow, better utilize your chunks of time, and get stuff done!


Bonus #4

Plan Your Week in 1 Hour Cheat Sheet ($99 value)

Take intentionality to a whole new level and learn how to plan your entire week in as little as an hour. This is perfect for the woman who has a never-ending to-do list that usually just gets longer.


Bonus #5

Community and Connection Masterclass ($197 value)

How to build your community and cultivate support as a busy mom.


Bonus #6

Pleasure and Play Module ($99 value)

How to reconnect with pleasure and play—it’s not as dirty and forbidden as you think it might be.


Bonus #7

Cycle Syncing Module ($197 value)

How to leverage your cycle and work with mother nature—not against her. Also, learn how to manifest using your cycle.


Bonus #8

How to Heal Mini-Course ($97 value)

What to do when you’re triggered and how to actually release trauma.


But remember, these bonuses are only for the first 10 women who join Domiana’s Healing Community.


…so if you want in on the Productivity vs. Intentionality Module ($197 value), Connecting in Isolation Masterclass ($197 value), Chunk Scheduling Cheat Sheet ($49 value), Plan Your Week in 1 Hour Cheat Sheet ($99 value), Community and Connection Masterclass ($197 value), Pleasure and Play Module ($99 value), Cycle Syncing Module ($197 value), and How to Heal Mini-Course ($97 value)…a total value of $1,132 in bonus material

You’ve gotta sign up now!

 I’m worried…

I’ll pass my trauma down. I’m under so much pressure.

That can feel like so much pressure to be fully healed and to get it right. Pain travels through family lines until someone is ready to heal it in themselves. By going through your healing journey, you no longer pass the trauma onto the generations that follow. You instead pass down your generational healing. Healing yourself also heals 7 generations before you and 7 generations after you. You are doing holy work woman!

I can’t stop being triggered. I’m exhausted.

Constantly being triggered is exhausting! These triggers manifest as exhaustion and burnout. Eventually, you coast on autopilot and don’t even realize it because you’re so used to seeing life through your trauma lens. But the triggers aren’t what’s draining your energy. Your emotional response to triggers is draining you of your energy. 

I’m letting my loved ones down. I feel guilty

You’re focusing on healing and your inward journey so much that you end up neglecting other parts of your life. You might be dropping the ball more than usual and feel guilty for letting others down. Lack of life balance manifests when you are hyper-focused on healing.

 You'll have tons of resources, opportunities, and information available to you, and it’s all packaged in small, bite-sized, easy-to-digest nuggets.

Domiana’s Story 

Domiana knows what it’s like to feel lonely and misunderstood. She knows how great things can appear on the outside, yet feel so numb and empty on the inside. She understands how deeply emotions can be felt and how impossible it may feel to move through them. Domiana is no stranger to anger and forgiveness. She is not unfamiliar with putting on a front and performing so no one would know she was struggling. 

She’s a work-in-progress, healing from her people-pleasing ways, codependent tendencies, distrust for herself, low self-esteem, and confidence empowering others to do the same.

Domiana’s pulled herself out of an undiagnosed postpartum depression/funk using holistic healing modalities and techniques that she realized she had access to all along. 

Domiana uses somatic healing modalities combined with mindset work to heal, unlock stagnant energy, cultivate emotional resilience, extract potential, strengthen intuition, and create massive transformation. Practicality with a sprinkle of spirituality, perfect for the busy mom or woman. It has not only helped her jumpstart her healing, regulate her emotions, and manifest TF outta her life, but also has helped her clients all over the world. She holds the intention she can share them with you!

Domiana is a magnetic force who truly believes that life doesn’t have to be exhausting; it can be conscious, connected, fun, and transformative.

If it’s not enough to see the successes you've already seen and to trust your gut…there’s a happiness guarantee.


Domiana’s #1 priority is your happiness. This means she stands by this 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred, no ifs, no buts. If you are not happy with service, she will take care of it. If you have a problem, she will solve it. Refund it. Send you more resources. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to her or our Client Happiness Team. We’ll find a resolution. We are here for you. Happiness. Guaranteed. 


She’s taking all of the risk…what do you have to lose?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What can I expect in Domiana’s Healing Community?

Expect to experience healing, unlike anything you've ever experienced before. Healing doesn’t have to be so heavy and hard. It can be fun! Please know you’ll be stepping into a loving, non-judgmental, safe space for you to thrive in. You’ll also have an opportunity to be a part of a tight-knit community of beautiful souls lifting you all the way up! So don’t worry if you’re shy or uncomfortable in group settings, I promise you will be welcomed with open arms. 

Domiana’s Healing Community is better experienced than described. So if you’re on the fence, you can always click here to schedule a 15-30 minute convo with Domiana and bring all of your questions and concerns directly to her. During this time you can also get a feel for her vibe and see if her Healing Community is a good fit for you. She’ll love you up, answer any Qs, and help you come to a full-body "yes" or an empowered "no" to join us. Either way, you’ll have clarity. If it's a no, you'll at least have clarity on your next steps. If it's a yes, get ready to learn the secrets to next-level healing!

Why did Domiana create a Healing Community?

Because she loves you. And honestly, because everything Domiana creates is created with love and the intention to spread love. It would be a disservice to you and the world if she kept all of this wisdom to herself.

Domiana wants to share all of the amazing tools and techniques that have dramatically transformed her life and her clients’ lives. Everyone always tells her that she makes motherhood look so easy and asks her how, and her response is always, “thank you. I appreciate that. Know it’s not easy but there’s a sense of ease to it because of the tools, tricks, systems, and modalities I use. I’d love to share with ya if you’re open to it.” 

She realized after a while that this Healing Community needs to be a thing because so many women came to her asking for it and need it yet couldn’t find it because it didn’t exist. So she felt called to create it!

Domiana’s written and sold bestselling books, spoken on stages touching 4 different continents, sold on-demand courses, done 1:1 private coaching + healing, group coaching + healing, and she’s seen the best results and greatest transformations through her live small group coaching programs. So she created something to make healing more accessible to those who need it most without compromising the quality and intimacy of small group coaching + healing. Hello, Domiana’s Healing Community!

Also, she created this sacred space because she was doing all of this deeply spiritual work and she realized the power of collective healing. She’s tapping into higher consciousness and she wants to take as many people as possible higher with her. Do you feel the pull to rise and transform with her? 

What is included in Domiana’s Healing Community?

You can expect to receive:

➝ 1 group coaching + healing session per month (the third Wednesday of each month 1 pm-3 pm MST Arizona) via Zoom

➝ With Me Sessions, weekly live events for members (breathwork, EFT tapping, meditation, healing circles, and workshops)

➝ 1 recorded class/module per month

➝ Access to Domiana (you’ll have direct contact with her)

➝ Voxer group chat/voice support

➝ Opportunity for 1:1 upgrades at a special member rate

➝ Both of Domiana's bestselling books:

    ▸ Help! My Husband Is Hardly Home ebook

    ▸ Help! I Need a Break From Motherhood ebook

➝ A vault filled with on-demand courses, classes, workshops, and programs

➝ Optional Soul Assignments

➝ Additional resources and bonus materials

➝ Exclusive access to courses, programs, content, events, challenges, and offerings

You can also expect to receive so much love, support, and encouragement from a community that cares about you, and you’ll see so much growth in yourself and progress in your life.

When are the group Coaching + Healing Sessions?

The third Wednesday of each month 1 pm-3 pm MST Arizona* via Zoom

*Subject to change

How much does Domiana’s Healing Community cost?

Your investment is $139/month, which is less than one trip to Target or an Amazon order. You’re not locked into a minimum monthly commitment, and you can cancel anytime with written notice. 

Domiana’s Healing Community is perfect if you've been wanting to get a taste of what it's like to work with her without the full-time commitment and investment in a program, course, or 1:1 private coaching + healing.

Please know that you are worthy of investing in yourself. Give yourself permission to invest in yourself while also investing in others. They can co-exist, it’s called duality baby! You can take care of others AND take care of yourself. They are not mutually exclusive. 

If you choose to join us, please know that this is an energetic exchange. Bless the transaction. Say thank you. Send your payment through with love, gratitude, and excitement for your transformation.

What is Voxer chat/voice support?

In between live Group Coaching + Healing Sessions and With Me Sessions, you’ll be a vital part of our community Voxer chat and community forum. So much happens throughout the month, and Domiana wants to ensure that you’re supported through it all. In this space, you’ll also have access to Domiana. She checks in, holds you accountable to complete soul assignments, and you can ask her ANYTHING in Voxer.

What are Soul Assignments?

Think light homework for the soul. You’ll have optional soul assignments available to you. Don’t worry! Domiana created this Healing Community with the busy woman in mind. Women in this community are overwhelmed and exhausted as it is, and she is not trying to add to that. The work that you do together with Domiana alleviates and lightens the load you’re carrying.

I’ve bought other online programs and they overpromised and underdelivered. I’m skeptical about investing in online personal development again.

Domiana totally gets that and has been there before. She’s invested in so many courses, programs, and coaches that she wasn’t satisfied with and ended up regretting. That’s why she pours her heart and soul into her Healing Community. She takes a hands-on, high-access, high-touch, high results approach. Her clients have seen better results, quicker growth, and bigger transformation this way. If you’re on the fence, schedule a free Clarity Call with Domiana. It’s a super casual 15-30 minutes conversation to see if you all are in alignment. This call usually helps put your mind at ease and helps you make an informed, confident decision. She’s happy to answer any questions you have and help you figure out if her Healing Community is the right fit for you.

What makes Domiana’s Healing Community different from other online communities, courses, and programs?

This is not your typical virtual community. This is not another Facebook group–it’s wayy better. This is not your average online community. Domiana’s Healing Community it’s different from a self-paced course, program, or community because you’ll have the three components for transformation.

Domiana has sold on-demand courses before—which are great and convenient, but it’s also super convenient not to watch on-demand courses when life gets inconvenient (spoiler alert: life happens. Something always happens)

She’s sure you’ve bought a course or program with the intention of changing your life only to not finish or leave it unopened in your inbox... She’s also noticed that clients would watch the on-demand modules but never apply the knowledge, do the action step required, or get to the embodiment. She’s found that you get the best results through her live coaching experience because you have the three components for transformation:

1) community - You’ll be a part of an intimate, loving community of women who get you. With things like the Voxer group chat, community forum, and a community of dope women lifting you all the way up, you’ll feel like you belong and can finally be comfortable being your authentic self.

2) a strategic game plan - You’ll get crystal clear on what you need to do to keep progressing forward because you’ll have a vault of resources at your fingertips as well as actionable items (modules, programs, courses, sessions, PFD, ebooks, Soul Assignments-think light homework for the soul, and bonus materials) 

3) accountability - the monthly investment, live Coaching + Healing Sessions with Domiana, who is your coach, catalyst for healing, cheerleader, #1 fan, advocate, and someone who doesn’t hold space for stagnation--only holds space for your transformation. In addition to one live group Coaching + Healing Session with Domiana each month via Zoom, you’ll have opportunities throughout the week to practice the somatic healing modalities, embody your new rituals, spiritual practices, and prioritizing practices Domiana teaches you. How do you ask? You can join live With Me Sessions at your convenience (see next FAQ for more on With Me Sessions)

And most online communities and programs are missing one or two components, but Domiana’s Healing Community provides you with all three components to create lasting changes and massive transformation in your life.


For more information on why these three components are so vital in creating sustainable change, growth, and transformation click here.


What are “With Me Sessions”?

With Me Sessions are quick sessions with Domiana created to help you practice and apply what you learn. Ranging from 10-30 minutes, With Me Sessions are sprinkled in throughout the week and are offered at various times and days via Zoom. 

Domiana is a busy at-home mom who still carves out time for her own physical, personal, mental, and spiritual development, and she invites you to do the same. Join a With Me Session as she pours into herself while also pouring into you. 

The purpose of With Me Sessions is to:

➝ Hold you accountable. By attending With Me Sessions, you’ll have built-in accountability throughout the week in between the monthly group Coaching + Healing Sessions

➝ Create opportunities for you to prioritize yourself which oftentimes you put yourself on the backburner

➝ Embody your biggest, boldest, brightest, favorite, most authentic version of yourself. Healing pulls back layers so that you can finally shine through.

When you join Domiana, you can mute, turn the camera off/on because these sessions were created with the busy woman in mind. It’s not always realistic to have zero distractions and endless hours to devote to this inward work, so you can join With Me Sessions amidst the chaos in your busy life.  

With Me Sessions:

Power Pause with Me
Grant yourself permission to pause and join Domiana for a combo of guided meditation and breathwork 

Tap with Me
Try a somatic healing modality that is scientifically proven to release trauma, decrease stress, and get you to emotional freedom. As you join Domiana while she taps, you’ll learn and practice different EFT tapping techniques you can do anywhere, anytime.

Yoga with Me
Join Domiana for a quick yoga flow. She believes yoga is for everyone and teaches in a way that makes intimidating yoga poses fun and accessible. All levels. No experience is required. Prenatal friendly.

Heal with Me 
A little quickie to catapult your healing. Join Domiana and be seen and witness for who you really are, not who you have conditioned to be. No performance is necessary. No shame welcomed. You are enough as you are.   

You’re bound to find something that fits in with your busy schedule since With Me Sessions are offered at various times throughout the week.

Who is this Healing Community for?

Short answer: anyone who is ready to take action. Anyone who is tired of being tired. Someone who wants to make a change and create massive transformation in their life.

Domiana’s Healing Community is for:

➝ the woman who wants to embody and radiate love, joy, resilience, and confidence

➝ the woman who wants to be a change-maker

➝ the woman who desires to tap into her intuition

➝ the woman who wants to harness her power

I don’t have time. How am I going to have time to add this?

Domiana created this healing community with the busy woman in mind. Everything is bite-sized and doable. There are tons of session offerings throughout the month in addition to the monthly Group Coaching + Healing Session, so don’t feel obligated to attend everything. She gives you tons of options so that you can find something that works for you and your busy schedule. 

All it takes is 2 hours a month. You have at least 2 hours a month you can spare for your healing. You have at least 2 hours a month you can or reallocate to spend on yourself. You can cut out 2-4 episodes a month on Netflix. You have time. You are choosing to spend your time on other things. This is an opportunity to reevaluate your priorities and invest in yourself.

You can devote as little or as much time as you want. Trust that you’ll get everything you need and more out of this experience and don’t worry so much about doing everything.

What’s her coaching style? 

As a spiritual coach + healer, two-time bestselling author, certified yoga instructor, and retired professional basketball player, Domiana fused all of her experience and knowledge together to create courses, programs, books, and a healing container for you. Her coaching style is unique because she brings her athlete mindset mixed with a sprinkle of spirituality and holistic modalities that are scientifically proven to heal, transmute and transform. 

She meets you where you are. If you haven’t dived deep into your spirituality or just beginning your healing journey, she has an inclination for giving you exactly what you need and what you didn’t even know you needed.

She also pours her heart into her clients. No matter if it’s an on-demand course, private 1:1 coaching + healing, or her Healing Community, you’ll have direct access to Domiana, not only her team members but actually her! 

Why do I need a coach or healer? What does Domiana do as a coach + healer?

Domiana meets you where you are and gets you to where you wanna be. That’s what a coach does. Domiana can convert your potential into capacity.

Domiana didn't get to where she is alone. She had help and guidance. She didn’t become a professional athlete without a coach, mentor, or someone seeing potential in her that she couldn’t quite see in herself or that she couldn’t quite convert on her own.

The same thing goes for you. You might have a vision and have no idea who to get there. Or you might not believe in yourself or be able to see the possibilities, but someone else with an outside perspective can. 

She not only sees something in you that you may not see in yourself, but she helps you bridge the gap from where you are to where you wanna be. She helps keep you accountable. Coaches provide consistency and discipline which are required for lasting change. She is a mirror, reflecting your greatness so that you can actually see it. She is a catalyst for your MASSIVE transformation. She empowers you to empower yourself. She is a conduit for your healing. She equips you with the tools to self-heal. You are doing the work, but she is the loving, supportive, firm nudge walking with you every step of the way holding space for your healing and transformation.

I don’t have much help or childcare. Is it okay if my kid(s) is around during sessions?

Of course! Domiana welcomes you as you are. There are already enough rules and expectations for how healing is “supposed” to look like. She is a firm believer that your kids need to see you embodying this level of healing work. 

It’s perfectly fine if you are on a live session muted with your kids hanging off of you. It’s also a great opportunity to establish a healthy boundary with your kid(s). You’ll even notice as you continue showing up your kids will understand that this is your time and they will learn to play near you. They might even end up participating and practicing the modalities you’ll learn (Domiana’s toddlers love practicing somatic modalities with her and pop in some sessions from time to time) 

By showing up and participating in this community you are:

➝ exemplifying boundary setting

➝ showing your kids that it’s possible to heal and be whole

➝ embodying values like self-love, self-respect,

➝ passing down generational healing

➝ equipping them with the tools they will need to cope with emotions, which cultivates emotional intelligence and resilience (something I know you wish you had at a young age or even right now).

 Still have questions?


…as well as a retired professional basketball player turned two-time bestselling author, spiritual coach + healer, international speaker, certified yoga instructor, babywearing educator, wife, and mom…

who is helping busy women heal generational trauma, regulate emotions, and manifest the life they envision.

Domiana uses healing modalities combined with mindset work to heal, unlock stagnant energy, strengthen intuition, and create massive transformation. Practicality with a sprinkle of spirituality, perfect for the busy mom or woman.

She teaches women who are “left to do the rest” how to live fun, fulfilling lives without the overwhelm, burnout or isolation. Spoiler: she uses holistic healing modalities like Somatic Release, EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques), breathwork, and other modalities to get you to, not only shift your mindset, but also to rewire your neural pathways, heal on a cellular level, calm your nervous system, and release trauma in your body—because that’s where it's actually stored.

Domiana is a magnetic force who truly believes that motherhood doesn’t have to be exhausting; it can be conscious, connected, fun, and transformative. That’s why she’s created systems and modalities to help her clients keep their sanity and get their energy back—so they can actually enjoy motherhood and put that energy towards manifesting the life they envision.

Through her coaching programs, bestsellers—Help! My Husband Is Hardly Home: 8 Steps to Feel Supported While Raising Your Family

and Help! I Need a Break from Motherhood: the Stay-At-Home-Mom's Guide to a Balanced Life—her ancestors, formal education (Master's in Communication and countless certifications), yoga certifications, somatic healing certifications, adventures with her pro-athlete husband, and “solo mom-in’ it,” she shares the wisdom she’s collected, including her proven Conscious Mom Method and her life-changing 8 Steps to Feel Supported as a SAHM.

And Domiana can’t wait to share it all with you. Ready to learn more?


Make sure to follow ya girl on Instagram

Hit that “follow” button for ahhmazing content, a bigger snapshot of my life, and all of the latest updates on my offerings, workshops, and courses.
Oh, and please slide into my DMs and introduce yourself. My inbox is ALWAYS open, and I love connecting.